Number of English Puritans who set sail from Lynn, Massachusetts in 1640 to land at Conscience Point, Southampton: 80
Asking price for half-acre home near Conscience Point today: $800,000
Median asking price for a house in Lynn, Massachusetts, today: $344,000
Price paid to Shinnecocks for “eight miles square” of Southampton, 1641: 16 “coates” and 60 bushels of corn
Year that Ye Towne Street (now Main Street) was opened: 1648
Asking price for 4,000-square-foot storefront building, Main Street: $3 million
Price of 60 bushels of corn at Citarella, Southampton: $3,715
Most expensive mobile home for sale, Montauk Shores: $1.5 million
Most expensive mobile home for sale, Capistrano Shores, California: $4.3 million
Most expensive property for sale, Hamptons: $175 million, Jule Pond
Most expensive property for sale, NYC: $110 million, Woolworth Building pinnacle
Most expensive property for sale, Plymouth, Massachusetts: $2.3 million
Most expensive property for sale, United States: $1 billion, The Mountain of Beverly Hills