Why Now is the Best Time to Become a Behind The Hedges Home Pros Member 

Building contractor installing a window and applying silicone sealant

Home renovation work has increased exponentially in the last year, while home repairs and maintenance have been in constant demand. It’s been good news for Behind The Hedges home pros looking to keep their calendars booked. 

Many home service professionals rely on word-of-mouth, but most take advantage of media partnerships that do the sourcing for them. What better way to reach homeowners than to be where they are — in the pages and screens of high-traffic local news websites and newspapers.

And in 2022, it’s easier than ever to become a NYC Home Pro. Commit to a full calendar year membership and you’ll get the best pricing: starting at just $1.30 a day for a listing on one site, and a bit more for the full network, visible across LongIslandPress.com, DansPapers.com, BehindTheHedges.com, and Noticiali.com. 

Ready to join NYC’s community of first-call professionals who understand the benefits of building visibility with amNY’s audience of homeowners, buyers, and sellers? Click here now because the offer ends January 31!