Price paid for Shelter Island in 1651: 1,600 pounds of sugar
Highest asking price for a property on Shelter Island in 2018: $9.75 million
Pounds of sugar you can buy for $9.75 million in 2018: 12,187,500
Price paid for Robins Island in 1881: $22,000
Price paid for Robins Island in 1979: $1.3 million
Price paid for Robins Island in 1993: $11 million
Price paid for Little Gull Island and Great Gull Island by U.S. government in 1803: $800
Price paid for Great Gull Island by American Museum of Natural History in 1949: $1
Price paid for Little Gull Island lighthouse by Connecticut businessman Fred Plumb in 2012: $381,000
Price paid for Plum Island by Samuel Willis III, son of the governor of Connecticut in 1659:
1 coat, 1 barrel of biscuits and 100 fishhooks
Price paid for Plum Island in by U.S. government in 1899: $90,000