Laura Ahrens and Eva Cruz, the ladies behind Professional Organizers of The Hamptons, offered these tips for staying organized this year.
The new year always brings resolutions. Whether it’s to get in shape, eat healthier, or even stay on budget, the ladies behind Professional Organizers of The Hamptons say it’s going to be much easier if they have everything in its place. On their Instagram page, @HamptonsOrganizers, they post inspiring pictures of neat spaces big and small and they offered Behind The Hedges readers these tips for a less cluttered 2021:
Your bathroom:
– Ditch old makeup and toiletries. Most toiletries have a shelf life not longer than 18 months so if you don’t remember how long you have had something it is probably past its expiration date.
Your kitchen:
-Chuck the plasticware that has no lid. You really won’t ever find the missing match.
-Inspect plates and glasses for chips. Why wait until they completely break?

Your bedroom:
-Free up space in your closet or dressers by parting ways with the clothes that no longer fit or those you simply don’t like anymore. Give away gently-used items to thrift shops (there are many on the East End).
-Lonely socks. The partner is likely gone forever. Time to give it up.
Your home office:
-Time to cut the cord with old chargers and cables.
– Give dried up pens and markers the boot.
Your garage:
-Old, dried up paint can be hard to get rid of, but at least pile it together and look out for your local STOP day when recycling centers allow residents to drop off household waste, like paints, stains, varnishes and more.
-Broken sports equipment needs to go too.
-Let’s not forget about old batteries, old newspapers and magazines (Except copies of Dan’s Papers and Behind The Hedges!)