Despite Ongoing Difficulties, Promising Developments at EPCAL

EPCAL, Calverton Enterprise Park sign
Dan’s Papers

To many, Enterprise Park at Calverton, or EPCAL, is synonymous with a struggle to make things happen, dreams deferred or even derailed. And yet, there is a second side to this story. There have been some noteworthy developments at EPCAL recently and over the years, although at least so far not in the most high-profile chunk of that massive 2,900-acre property acquired from the U.S. Navy in 1998. The efforts to develop a 1,600-acre chunk of EPCAL both stalled and remain stuck in ongoing litigation, but despite that stalemate, other projects have been moving ahead. And other portions of EPCAL…

Revitalizing Riverhead: A Gateway Becomes a Destination

An artist’s rendition of a proposed Riverhead Town Square
Dan’s Papers 1

When Forbes created a list of the top 50 travel destinations around the world this year, it listed places from the Canary Islands to Qatar, Colorado Springs to the Seychelles. There were 11 in the United States and one on Long Island: Riverhead. The location, near vineyards, breweries and beaches, with an aquarium, the Riverhead…