Deep roots in the Hamptons mean that Rob Canberg has an encyclopedic knowledge of East End real estate. Today, he is an agent in Nest Seekers’ Sag Harbor office, representing properties from Westhampton all the way to Montauk.
BTH Where did you grow up?
RC I am a true born and bred Long Islander, made right here in Suffolk County! Raised in Hauppauge and eventually my parents moved us out east full-time to the Hamptons. I did spend most if not all of my summers as a child in Southampton and Montauk, where my father was building and selling homes and we had summer houses.
BTH How did you wind up in the Hamptons as an adult?
RC When I was a child, I was actually mad at my parents for taking us all the way to the Hamptons during the summer, because I had to make all new friends and it felt like the car ride took forever! Who knew there was life past exit 70? Now I look back and realize how fortunate and lucky I was. So, I have seen a lot of changes over the years, and I quickly realized here is where I wanted to stay and raise my family.
BTH What did you do before you were an agent?
RC I grew up in the construction business–both my father and my uncles were developers–so I ended up in the trades and the family business early on. I than ventured off on my own for a while, successfully, just before doing real estate full time. I was learning a lot early on, where the love of real estate was just starting to blossom. As I got a little older, I started doing my own deals. Then I truly fell in love with real estate!
BTH What do you like to do in your spare time?
RC I spend a lot of time with my wife and kids; family is extremely important to me. Keeping a good balance of work/family life is always a challenge because I have such a passion and love for my business and my clients. But when I am not working, you can usually find me watching my kids compete on the soccer field or at the beach soaking up the waves with my beautiful wife.
BTH If you weren’t an agent, what would be your dream job?
RC I am in my dream job! I am living the dream! Truly! Think about it! I live and work in the most beautiful area in the country. I provide a service second to none, which at the core is helping and guiding others to achieve their goals, and for some, the biggest investments in their portfolio, whether buying or selling. On top of that, those amazing people that I meet become clients and eventually lifelong friends. It’s a win-win! Which does explain why my wife hates shopping with me–usually I end up seeing one of my clients and of course we start chatting and catching up and she gets delayed.
My next choice would be a professional baseball player. I love the game, I’ve played it my whole life and I absolutely love to compete. Now I just do it in the real estate field. Just like baseball, it requires extreme skill, passion, precision, and unmatched competitiveness.
BTH What are some of the best things about being an agent in the Hamptons?
RC Besides the wonderful and interesting variety of people I encounter, it’s the location, the best in the world! I’ve been all over the world and we have the best beaches anywhere. The variety of waterfront homes I sell, whether on the South Fork or the North Fork, is just breathtaking. No two properties are ever really the same, and each town or location provides a unique lifestyle.
BTH Many people think it’s easy to be an agent. Is it?
RC It isn’t easy, and those that say it is, well, they are lying. It is extremely demanding and you’re always on call. Always!
I love it, it is my lifestyle and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But for some others it’s too much. It’s not for everyone.
BTH What’s the best advice you ever got, personally or professionally?
RC To be of service! My father said to me at an early age find something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, and he was right. I don’t work to live; I work because I truly love helping my clients, it’s that simple. That drives me. It’s my passion to make a difference, to absolutely 100 percent focus on and listen to the client’s needs. When you do that, good things happen. Nothing is better than successfully getting your clients where they need to go in a real estate transaction. Nothing.
BTH What do you think of the Hamptons real estate market right now?
RC We have had a crazy ride this year with a lot of unpredictability, that’s for sure. This current market is definitely correcting itself and I believe we still have some ways to go. I am not worried; my clients are well informed and well prepared, and we will ride it out together.
BTH Do you think 2019 will be a good year in real estate?
RC Yes, I do, absolutely! The world is not ending despite some of the articles I have been reading. Although the Hamptons market is still correcting itself, there is plenty of opportunity out there for investors on many levels to strike and make deals. Come on: it’s the Hamptons, it’s the beach life and you just need to know how to ride the waves!