Town Dedicates East Quogue Marina Pavilion to Vietnam War Vet

Quogue, Ronnie Campsey Pavilion and Bay Ave Marina
Quogue Village Mayor Bob Treuhold, Town Councilman Michael Iasilli, Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, Trustee President Scott Howoritz, Town Councilman Cindy McNamara, Ronnie Campsey, Peter Shay, Community Preservation Director Jacqueline Fenlon, and Parks Department Director Kristen M. Doulos cut ribbon on the new park at the marina.
Rick Seigleman

Officials held a celebration this week at the newly dedicated Ronnie Campsey Pavilion and Bay Avenue Marina in East Quogue.

Southampton Town purchased the property way back in 2007 with Community Preservation Funds, but upgrades and improvements have been a priority for Councilwoman Cyndi McNamara since she took office in 2021.

The town’s Parks Department, Community Preservation and Highway Department, along with the Southampton Town Trustees, collaborated to improve the marina. The marina now boasts two parking stalls with an access ramp and sidewalk (all compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act), a new bulkhead and the recently-named Ronnie Campsey Pavilion, named for the decorated Vietnam War veteran and owner of the New Moon Café in East Quogue.

East Quogue
Ronnie and Shana CampseyRick Seigleman

“These upgrades ensure that individuals with special needs, like Mr. Campsey who has Parkinson’s disease, have access to the park and facilities,” a statement from the town said following the ribbon-cutting ceremony that was held on Wednesday, June 12.

The dedication came about after Peter Shay, a fellow veteran, looked to honor Campsey and an effort began to try and name the East Quogue Post Office after him. Congressman Nick LaLota’s office looked into the matter and found that though Campsey most of the qualifications, because he was still living, it could not be done. The Congressman reached out to McNamara, who came up with naming the pavilion.

The Ronnie Campsey Pavilion at the Bay Avenue MarinaRick Seigleman

“Ronnie and his wife Shana own the New Moon Café, which is at the other end of Bay Avenue,” said McNamara, who is also an East Quogue resident. “They used to walk their dogs down to the marina every day. I thought it was fitting that the pavilion be named in his honor. He is a Vietnam veteran and has been a great supporter of the East Quogue community.”

“It would be hard for me to explain how special I felt,” Campsey said after the dedication. “I didn’t know anything about it and I was surprised. I love this country, it’s been good to me and my family, and I really love East Quogue.”

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Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni and Ronnie CampseyRick Seigleman
Councilwoman Cindy McNamara and Ronnie CampseyRick Seigleman
Southampton Town Clerk Sundy Schermeyer, Johnathon Erwin Southampton Maintenace Supervisor, Kristin Doulos Town Parks Director, Louise Reeves and Councilwoman Cindy McNamaraRick Seigleman
Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, Michael Iasilli, Mayor Bob Treuhold, ,Trustee Pres. Scott Howoritz, Town Clerk Sundy Schermeyer, Councilwoman Cindy McNamara, Ronnie Campsey and Peter D Shay_Rick Seigleman
Rick Seigleman