The Hamptons Publishing Scene Is Booming [The New York Post]
No Daily Beach Permits on Weekends in East Hampton Village [The East Hampton Star]
State Passes Kelp Bill That Could Pave Way for Commercial Cultivation in 2 LI Bays [Newsday]
Town Will Consider Trucking In Sand For Ditch Plains [27East]
Affordable Housing on Pantigo Draws Support and Concerns [The East Hampton Star]
CAT Officials Say They’re Ready Willing and Able to Close Deal to Purchase EPCAL Land [Riverhead News-Review]
Bridgehampton Lowers Tax Levy, But 6.49% Would Still Pierce State Cap [Newsday]
Large Fire Damages Boatyard Buildings Overnight in Southold [The Suffolk Times]
What’s New in the Hamptons? The Restaurants, Hotels, and Stores to Know This Summer [Vogue]
Links: The Hamptons Publishing Scene (Including Behind The Hedges) Is Booming