Real Estate Roundtable: Working Together in Real Estate, Does Father Know Best?

Father's Day
Robert and Amanda Murray of The Corcoran Group in Westhampton Beach are one of the father-daughter duos we spoke to about working together this Father’s Day.

Father’s Day is a time to show dads just how much they mean to us. In honor of fatherhood and those paternal bonds, we were curious how some navigate working with their fathers. In real estate, family ties are certainly not unheard of — there are plenty of examples throughout Long Island. We asked a few father-son and father-daughter teams what the best part of working together is and how their bond translates to doing the best job for their clients. To the adult children: What has your father taught you about the business? And, to the dads, what is the best part of working closely with your child?

Bob and Amanda Murray

“Well of course everything I know about selling real estate I learned from my father (and my mother, also part of the team)! I came to real estate after 25-plus years as an editorial director in the book publishing business, so I brought a particular knowledge base – about deal-making, bidding strategy, project development, and how to talk a client off the ledge. I didn’t realize how directly transferable those skills were until we started working together. But I’d say if I’ve learned one thing from my dad, it’s that being successful depends on your willingness to learn everything about a property – where the building pocket is, whether there’s room for a pool, how it compares to everything else on market. When you know what you’re talking about (and admit what you don’t yet know), it’s easy to show people where opportunities are and build successful working relationships. And Bob is all about relationships. I can’t tell you how many people have said to me, ‘You’re Bob’s daughter? Oh, I just love your dad!’” — Amanda Murray

“It’s great working as a father-daughter team in a very competitive real estate market. We complement each other. My years of experience, my knowledge of the market and how it’s changed, and certainly my contacts contribute a lot to our success. But Amanda’s fresh ideas and thorough research have given us an extra edge. She has a great sense of a property’s potential, and she also has more patience than I do — for working through complicated projects (and with complicated people!). It might be a little awkward when she calls me ‘dad’ during a presentation, but I really enjoy the excitement of getting a new listing and working together to build a professional campaign to sell the property. I also like the fact that we are now partners, colleagues, and friends, not just father and daughter!” — Robert Murray

Father's Day
Thomas and Kyle Knoell

Thomas and Kyle Knoell

“There is no bond greater than family. Working alongside Kyle has been priceless. I always say, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work.’ Kyle has been exposed to our entrepreneurial journey since he was a baby. Of course, he shares similar qualities that me and Raquel possess, but he brings so many unique and individual attributes of his own. Incredibly professional, calm under pressure, insanely tech-savvy and easy to talk to, are just a few. In just two years in real estate, he has earned the right to say he is a top agent. The coolest part is, we are almost telepathic in understanding each other. We can use our individual finest qualities to best service our clients with no conflict or competition at all. Learning and growing together is a constant. When you love what you do, it’s not work. To be able to do it with your son is a blessing.” Thomas Knoell

“My father had been in the industry long before I joined. While he helped me navigate the programs, the marketing and the process of real estate, I think the biggest thing that any father can teach his son is the lessons that he learned along the way. Cliché, I know. But that sentiment rings true. I can honestly say that a large portion of my success has been the direct result of teaching from his experience. I avoided a lot of mistakes that I would have learned the hard way because of him. He also has extensive knowledge of the inner workings of a home due to being in the trades for 20 years prior to real estate. He has passed an indescribable amount of knowledge along that has helped me tremendously. That being said, I think it’s the things he taught me outside of the business that have honestly helped the most. Of course, I was taught the ins and outs of the industry and negotiating during my real estate training, but the way I carry myself as a man and a professional stem from the training I have had since I was a boy. That has been the greatest lesson that he still teaches me to this day, and I still have a lot to learn to match up to the man that he is every day. Happy Father’s Day!” Kyle Knoell


John Langone and Deana Langone Roper

John Langone and Deana Langone Roper

“My dad has taught me so much about the real estate business. We have been working together for over 11 years now. I definitely would not be able to succeed in this business without his knowledge and insight. I call him for everything to brainstorm and make sure to give our clients and customers the best possible advice we can. My father and I have always worked well together. From being little and helping him in the garage with house projects or car repairs. Then in his video store and now in real estate. I cherish our relationship and wouldn’t be the woman I am today without his guidance and support.” — Deana Langone Roper

“The best part of working with Deana? She knows me the best. For over 34 years as a broker/owner, she’s seen how passionate I am about helping buyers and sellers accomplish their wishes and needs. For the past 11 years, Deana has been my amazing administrative assistant. Deana has always brought me new ways and ideas to work smarter and more efficiently. She’s always had amazing insight into what I may have needed to succeed. Deana and I, now more than ever, get to work together — as a sales team ready for our new chapter with Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty. I feel that we can both take our business to the next level!” — John Langone



Emmett Laffey and Devon Laffey

Emmett Laffey and Devon Laffey

“When I reflect on what my dad taught me about business, I can say 95% of my knowledge comes from growing up with an entrepreneur father. Since joining Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Laffey International Realty, I have been able to contribute to our immense growth over the last two years as the Marketing Director. Our company spans from Brooklyn to the Hamptons and I’ve learned an incredible amount, but observing my father throughout my life as a hard-working business owner and broker had the most influence on me. I remember when I was 10 years old and I started a bracelet business on the sidewalk of Montauk, and he encouraged me to create business cards and a website. That was the beginning of me understanding what creating and running a business actually means. Since joining the company, I have been asked to speak in front of my peers at annual conventions to discuss the systems I have created and implemented, as well as create new divisions of our brokerage. My father trusts my opinions and decisions for strategies from social media, branding, events and expansion, which has been an incredible opportunity for me. I bring a young and fresh perspective to the company and he shares his decades of experience with me. Together we are the perfect team. He is my toughest critic as well as my biggest supporter. I am lucky to work alongside my dad!” — Devon Laffey

“In my business life, there is nothing more rewarding than having my daughter Devon join my organization and for her to take on a key role on my management team becoming the VP of Marketing for a firm of over 500 agents in 14 locations from Brooklyn to the Hamptons. I have already lived this myself when I joined my father’s company as a young adult back in the ‘80s and ‘90s. I had the good fortune to receive the opportunity to work and grow alongside my father and that same fortune exists with my daughter, and I cannot be more proud. While having my daughter work in my organization is certainly a wonderful experience, the true pleasure is witnessing her level of confidence and leadership amongst my team. It is the ultimate reward when your child earns her job not because of her last name but because of her talent, expertise, contribution, and results. It’s awesome that I get to witness it firsthand every day. I am happy to say that her four years at the University of Miami Herbert Business School with a double major in Marketing and Business Technology was a perfect investment in her. She ensures the future is very bright.” — Emmett Laffey

Harald Grant and Bruce Grant

Harald Grant and Bruce Grant

“Working with my father over the years has taught me a lot. Some of the main points that he has instilled in my work ethic are to always be honest, upfront, and to respond to whomever has contacted me. I’ve seen firsthand in this business that communication is key. If people go out of their way to contact me, I need to make it a priority to get back to them. Outside of communication, showing up and being available 24/7 opens up opportunities, which is a vital part of the real estate industry.” — Bruce Grant

“From the business perspective, because I’m working with my son directly, we can connect 24/7 and there is sense of trust there knowing that my son is dealing with any issues regarding real estate.” — Harald Grant






Allen Piliero and Courtney Piliero

Allen Piliero and Courtney Piliero

“When I first started in this business there were no cell phones, no faxes, no Internet, etc. I would often drive to the city with a summer rental lease in hand, signed by a prospective tenant for the landlord to sign in order to secure the property and beat out any competition. When the cell phone came out, they were 2,000 pounds and $2,000. Eventually, they became affordable and everyone had one; a new era began! Then came fax, which astounded us and then internet right after. This is what Alvin Toffler was talking about in his book, Future Shock — rapid change and how to cope. My daughter Courtney, a graduate of Sacred Heart University as an English major, was working in New York City at a hedge fund making a good living but pretty unhappy with her hectic lifestyle and commuting to the city every day. I finally convinced her to join me in the people business and she’s never looked back. Courtney is my high-tech ace! Being born and raised here in Westhampton gives her local firsthand knowledge adding another dimension to our team. I’m truly blessed to be working with my daughter and living in this wonderful part of the Hamptons!” – Allen Piliero

“Having the opportunity to work side by side with my father in a business he has been cultivating for over 40 years is something I am deeply appreciative of. His vast knowledge of real estate is astounding, so to be given the chance to learn under him is a very special position to be in. I would say the most important things he’s instilled in me as a human being and an agent are to never compromise your integrity and that life is not that serious. Real estate, like anything else in life, is a series of ebbs and flows and being able to attain a balance there is a delicate maneuver. He’s really mastered utilizing that mindset. So, working with him I’ve been given a unique perspective into that which is really amazing.” – Courtney Piliero

This article appeared in the June 2024 issue of Behind The Hedges Powered by the Long Island Press. Read the full digital edition here. For more on Greater Long Island real estate, click here.